Become a member

You can also support the association by becoming a member. As a member of Ssesy, you are automatically a member of our umbrella organization SEY, which has 42 member associations around the country.

Members receive the Eläinten ystävä -magazine four times a year, the Ssesy membership letter once a month, access on the members' own site and the opportunity to attend member meetings.

The membership fee for 2019 is 35 €/year, for people under 15 it's 25 €/year.

  Join here!


Members are of the utmost importance for our activities, whether you are an active member or a supporting member. You decide how closely you want to be involved. If you are interested in voluenteering or improving Ssesy, please feel free to contact the board. If you prefer to stay in the background and want to be a supportive member of Ssesy, then we are just as grateful! Membership fees provide the association with regular financial security to help us maintain our efforts to improve animal welfare!

Eläinten ystävä is a member magazine published by the SEY Association of Finnish Animal Welfare Associations, which provides information on current animal welfare issues both in Finland and internationally, and on the diverse animal welfare work of the Union all the way down to the grassroots level. In addition to news and current affairs, the magazine features family-friendly entertainment as well as information about events and education.

Harmony among cats in the foster home
Orphaned Lassi is fed